Last Updated on August 19, 2021 by Nabila
The Department of Traffic, Parking, and Transportation (TP+T) supervises parking by members of the public and traffic operations, including pavement markings, crosswalks and bicycle lanes, traffic signal operation, traffic study reviews, street obstructions and street closures permitting.
The Traffic Parking Transportation Department must also approve curb cut and building permits issued by other City Departments. This parking and transportation department 344 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States is updating its regulations and guidelines new to the city. Only miles from the capital of Massachusetts, Boston MA, where you will no doubt have issues with parking, most cities in this area suffer from a low supply and a high demand for parking.

Applying for a Parking Permit
You are required to have a parking permit to park in areas designated “Parking by Permit Only.” Residents need to apply for Resident Parking Permits (RPP), for passenger vehicles and motorcycles, and/or Visitor Parking Permits (VPP), which are only to visitors. Visit the residents and visitors pages to apply for, to report any issues with your permit. You can access these services online.
While you are at it, report traffic parking transportation tickets issues.
Eligibility Requirements
- Residency
- Parking Ticket Payments
- Proof of Residency
- Vehicle Registration
Parking Spaces
The number one priority for the transportation department is to make parking available to residents and people visiting, doing business in and working in Cambridge, the City operates:
- Two municipal garages, one in East Cambridge (1100 spaces) and another in Central Square (280 spaces).
- Nine metered off-street parking lots that have 300 spaces
- 3,100 metered parking spaces on City streets.
- Over 1,000 bicycle parking racks on the public right of way in entire the city. 90% of which are found in commercial districts including 30 spaces in the Green Street Parking Garage.
Parking and Street Occupancy Permits
The City of Cambridge provides resident parking permits to allow residents of Cambridge to park vehicles, including motorcycles, registered with their names at the Cambridge address at which they live to park at “Parking by Permit Only.” locations throughout the City.
Visitor Parking Permits allow individuals who visit a resident of Cambridge to park during their visit near the resident’s home.
For the visitors pages, call 617-491-7277.
The City of Cambridge does not issue short-term parking permits or sub-letters to summer school students. The eligibility requirements for a resident parking permit must be met by individuals seeking on-street parking.
Street occupancy permits for residents who wish to park moving vans, moving crates and tool trucks used for City Street construction projects and for special events or block parties are available online. No parking signs are temporarily posted by the City for these permits. Tool trucks and residents need to read carefully if they see one of these signs to ensure that the place where they are parking is not temporarily a no-parking zone.
If you notice the traffic parking tickets have issues, contact the department.
Paying Parking Tickets
You can either pay parking tickets online, with the PayTix app, by phone, by mail or in person. Just choose your method and select services details and make your payment. In case there is a problem, frequently asked questions data suggests that calling the department’s number or email for assistance will more likely get your issue resolved. If you want information, check guidelines new to Cambridge website portals.
Pay Online
You need to have:
- either the parking ticket violation number or your MA license plate number
- a credit or debit card from American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa
You will be charged a 2.75% service fee with a minimum fee of $1.95 applied to each transaction.
Pay by Phone
You must have:
- either the parking ticket violation number or your MA license plate number
- an American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit or debit card
Call 617-491-7277 to pay by phone.
A 2.75% service fee with a minimum fee of $1.95 will be applied to each transaction. If you have tons of parking tickets, then it will become expensive. This is why it is important to pay your parking tickets immediately.
Pay with the PayTix app
You must:
- download the app on your Apple or Android device
- choose Cambridge, MA as your preferred city
- enter the parking ticket violation number
- pay with American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit or debit card
A 2.75% service fee with a minimum fee of $1.95 will be applied to each transaction. If you have questions or run into any issues with the app, contact PayTix technical support at
Pay by Mail
- Never mail cash.
- Write a check or money order, made payable to the City of Cambridge.
- Include your license plate number, with the state, and/or your ticket number on the check or money order.
- If you still have the ticket, include it with your check or money order.
- You can use the envelope that was provided with the ticket or use your own envelope and address it to:
Traffic, Parking, + Transportation
P.O. Box 399113
Cambridge, MA 02139
Pay in Person
If you were outside of Massachusetts in the last two weeks, you may be subject to the State’s 14-day quarantine requirement. You may not go to their offices when you are required to self-quarantine.
You must make an appointment before going to their offices. If you need help scheduling an appointment, please visit the pages, call 617-349-4700 (voice) 711 relay or email.
Their address is:
Traffic, Parking, Transportation Department, 344 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
Disputing Parking Tickets
The Dispute Process
- You must submit your dispute online or in writing.
- Our Hearing Officer will review the information you provide and mail a decision to you within 4 to 6 weeks.
- If your tickets are dismissed the process is complete.
- If your tickets are not dismissed, you may pay the ticket or request an in-person hearing at the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department’s office. All hearings must be requested and scheduled in advanced.
- During the hearing, you will meet with the Hearing Officer. The Parking Control Officer who wrote the tickets will not be present. You will have the opportunity to:
- explain the reason you feel the ticket was issued in error,
- provide details of any extenuating circumstances, and
- provide any documentation or evidence that supports your claim.
- If your tickets are dismissed the process is complete.
- If your ticket is not dismissed, you may pay the tickets or appeal the tickets through the Middlesex County Superior Court, 200 Trade Center, Woburn, MA. There is a $275.00 filing fee.
You can also submit your dispute either via mail or email.
Renewal of Parking Permits
The 2021 parking permits have to be renewed before March 31st. The department will be open in regular hours.
Bottom Line
Always plan your parking. The City of Cambridge website offers different resources for your different transportation needs. Anything from parking tickets to search frequently asked questions data and maps regulations and guidelines if you are a cartography nerd. The department is for the public by appointment, only Tuesday.
You can also reach out to Joseph E. Barr director of this parking and transportation department.